Wednesday, April 15


1.This state doesnot have coal or iron ore, yet it is the no:1 manufacturer of steel pipes in the country. It does not have a diamond mine. Yet 80 % of the polished diamonds are made here. Which state we are talking about?

2.Which company will be the first internet company to be listed on the Bombay Stock exchange?

3.Where would you come across the initials of the brothers William Day & Henry Overtone, Jr. ?

4.Lintas was working on a brief for a bike to flaunt its great mileage and great power. The client brief clearly stated that no one would be interested in figures and hence figures should be avoided. They were asked to come up with a term for a `wow’ bike encompassing both great mileage and great power. What resulted?

5.Recently, an 11-year-old boy, ____ Bhanot, sent a legal notice to claiming damages of Rs. 1 crore, citing psychological harassment. Just fill in the blank.

6.Lakehead University in northern Ontario set up a recruitment website called in a bid to attract potential new students. It showed a 1968 graduate of Yale with the slogan - “Graduating from an Ivy League university doesn’t necessarily mean you’re smart.” Who was the graduate?

Questions from IBS Quiz

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